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Click to Chat ads on WhatsApp- A vital tool for your marketing arsenal

In the competitive business landscape, if there’s one thing that has led to the massive growth of internet businesses, it is digital advertising. The $600 billion industry holds an outsized control on customers—- who buys what and thus to the fortunes of these businesses. An interesting aspect of digital advertising is its dynamic and ever-evolving nature, from search ads to video and voice search with the latest being Click to Chat ads. Click to Chat ads, although at a nascent stage currently,

In Feynman speak, Click to Chat ads are ads that are conversational in nature. With precise targeting, marketers are finding it to be much more effective in addressing the shortcomings of typical digital ads. Before delving deeper into Click to Chat ads, it’s important to understand imperfections in the digital ad industry which have made way for this new form of advertising. The world moved from traditional mass media advertising to digital ads as the audience had moved online and targeting audience segments on digital was easy. But while digital solved the problem of targeting, it lacked two-way conversations where users could be engaged and their doubts settled. The customer does not have a choice today, if they want to connect with the advertised brand for clarity on product /service or instantly perform a transaction. Website landing pages are better suited for savvy internet users who are adept at browsing through multiple pages.They are not for technology newbies. Moreover, a landing page is not the ideal destination in case of products such as jewelry, furniture, real estate and financial services where guided selling works best. Take for example- jewelry. A beautiful model wearing a stylish looking pendant set may entice a user to click on the ad and enter a landing page. But leaves this user unanswered for common questions such as- exchange policy, the kind of gemstones used in the pendant etc.